Friday, April 25, 2008


South Korean students get Web help
SEOUL(AFP-Jiji) More and more South Korean schoolchildren are searching the Internet to find someone to do their homework for a fee, a report said Monday. A portal lists more than 500 Web sites devoted to homework with fees to pupils ranging from 8,000-10,000 won($8.50 to $11),The Korea Times said.“ I need to write three English diaries by the end of the week”a 12 year-old said in a message posted on one site. “I don` t really want to write them. Who can write for me and how muchdo I have to pay?” there are also Web sites offering already-completed homework, with individual material downloadable for 500 won, the paper said. Others offer children a chance to share projects.
The Japan Times
I`m not sure that this news(above) is concerned with cross culture communication problems. But I think this news quite interesting de shou!!!.
It is wondered that The South Karean schoolchildren searching the internet to help them for there homework and especially the fees is quite expensive. How`s the children earn money to pay for a homework fee?Students sometime are many homework and can not finishing on time or They are using their own time to do the activity from in-out school. In this reason, student do not have much more time to clear all their homework on time. Then looking someone to help them for homework without thinking of the homework fee.In this case, about the children education in the future. if a half of schoolchildren doing this way and increasing more and more, How is the country generation education growing? There is a small thing but it is very big problem for the future. Famaly,school ought to thinking strongly to clear this problem.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

How is your daily life affected by Buddhism?What do you do and why do you do it?

Because of my daily life everyday is busy so that I do not have much time to the Buddhism practising. And do not have much time to go to the temple or shrine often. Anyway, every night before sleeping I will pray to have a good dream and get a fortunate on the next day. In my mind I believe that although there is unnecessary to go to the temple or practicing often but we can doing good thinking, beliving in sin and so on. That`s enough!!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008


The summer will comming soon. I like summer than winter because there are many activities can do in the summer such as go swimming, hiking, Bar BQ and so on. How about you?